Games Cheats Hack

Code of Honor: The French Foreign Legion Cheat

Bagikan :
Code of Honor: The French Foreign Legion Cheat
Enter a code from the list below to open the cheats console with "~," for the desired results.
>God mode
- Cheat.GodMode();

Full health
- Cheat.FullHealth(); 

Mission skip
- Cheat.NextMission();

Spawn FRF2
- Cheat.GiveWeaponFRF2();
Spawn HK PSG1
- Cheat.GiveWeaponHKPSG1();
Spawn HK USP
- Cheat.GiveWeaponHKUSP();

Spawn LRAC89
- Cheat.GiveWeaponLRAC89();

Spawn SPAS12
- Cheat.GiveWeaponSPAS12();

Spawn MGL140
- Cheat.GiveWeaponMilkorMGL140);

Spawn MP5sd6
- Cheat.GiveWeaponMP5sd6();

Spawn RPG7
- Cheat.GiveWeaponRPG7();

Spawn Famas
- Cheat.GiveWeaponFamas();

Spawn M1911
- Cheat.GiveWeaponM1911();

Get ammo
- Cheat.AddAmmo();


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